

  1. Install Julia.

  2. Install PyJulia by

    $ python3 -m pip install --user julia

    Remove --user if you are using a virtual environment.

  3. Install Julia dependencies of PyJulia by

    $ python3
    >>> import julia
    >>> julia.install()

See below for more detailed explanations.

Note: If you are using Python installed with Ubuntu or conda, PyJulia may not work with the default setting. For workarounds, see Troubleshooting. Same caution applies to any Debian-based and possibly other GNU/Linux distributions.

Step 1: Install Julia

Get the Julia installer from See also the Platform Specific Instructions.

Your python installation must be able to call command line program julia. If your installer does not add the Julia binary directory to your PATH, you will have to add it. An alias will not work.

Alternatively, you can pass the file path of the Julia executable to PyJulia functions. See julia.install and Julia.

Step 2: Install PyJulia

Note: If you are not familiar with pip and have some troubles with the following installation steps, we recommend going through the Tutorial in Python Packaging User Guide or pip’s User Guide.

To get released versions you can use:

$ python3 -m pip install --user julia
$ python2 -m pip install --user julia  # If you need Python 2

where --user should be omitted if you are using virtual environment (virtualenv, venv, conda, etc.).

If you are interested in using the development version, you can install PyJulia directly from GitHub:

$ python3 -m pip install --user ''

You may clone it directly to (say) your home directory.

$ git clone

then inside the pyjulia directory you need to run the python setup file

$ cd pyjulia
$ python3 -m pip install --user .
$ python3 -m pip install --user -e .  # If you want "development install"

The -e flag makes a development install, meaning that any change to PyJulia source tree will take effect at next python interpreter restart without having to reissue an install command.

See Testing for how to run tests.

Step 3: Install Julia packages required by PyJulia

Launch a Python REPL and run the following code

>>> import julia
>>> julia.install()

This installs Julia packages required by PyJulia. See also julia.install.

Alternatively, you can use Julia’s builtin package manager.

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("PyCall")

Note that PyCall must be built with Python executable that is used to import PyJulia. See for more information about configuring PyCall.